Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND’s Stephen Katuka wants Government to Subsidize Fuel Prices


United Party for National Development (UPND) Secretary General Stephen Katuka
United Party for National Development (UPND) Secretary General Stephen Katuka

The UPND Secretary General Stephen Katuka says it is clear that President Edgar Lungu and his Patriotic Front have failed to govern the country.

Mr Katuka has charged that President Lungu and the PF have no solutions to the problems they have caused on millions of Zambians.

He said President Lungu’s ministers do not even understand what Zambians are going through under their Leadership as they do not care about the suffering masses.

Mr Katuka noted that while Tanzania is reducing fuel pump price, President Lungu and his PF are seeing an opportunity for making money.

He said it is clear that President Edgar Lungu and his PF went into government to eat and not to serve the people of Zambia.

Mr Katuka has advised the PF to impose subsidies on imported fuel so that the economic realities arising from fuel increase do not create further economic shock.

“Already, prices of some commodities in supermarkets have been revised and these will negatively affect the poor Zambians . Many Zambians now believe that the PF went into leadership without a plan and this is evident from the way they have destroyed the country”, he added.

Mr Katuka said ever since President Lungu took over leadership, the country’s economy has been sinking from a growth rate of 7 percent per annum when PF took over government from the MMD, Finance minister Dr Bwalya Ng’andu now projects the economy to decline to 2 percent next year.

He has urged President Lungu to resign and allow for a serious leader to correct the wrongs and economic hardships he has created as he can change nothing even if he is given more years to govern.


    • Ok so hh will subsidize fuel? I don’t think so he has told you the way forward is to cut out middle men! Even when advised that the fuel industry does not have retail transactions they are all wholesale with no direct transactions. But maybe you don’t listen to your President when he speaks. Subsidies! Wow

  1. “He has urged President Lungu to resign and allow for a serious leader to correct the wrongs and economic hardships he has created as he can change nothing even if he is given more years to govern. ”

    Thank you Katuka, I observe that even you are not suggesting that HH is an option. We know your true opinion of HH anyway, are you not from Andy Mazoka era?
    And where would you get money to subsidise electricity, fuel, mealue meal, etc if you didn’t borrow recklessly too?

  2. Iam of a different opinion. Subsidies mean taking from other areas of need to fuel. I would instead suggest, perhaps they can re-look at the pricing model of fuel and see which tax component can be suspended for a period.
    Does road fund (fuel levy) still exist in the costing? That is one such tax which can be suspended because we now have road toll fees for the specific road infrastructure. Can also suspend certain duties or reduce for the period on imported fuel or lastly they can re look at what time they compute the taxes on the imported fuel. For example, taxes can be collected before adding other fees such ERB fees and so on.
    Wonder what can happen if pump prices were liberalized, each player charging according to their cost and profit margins. With competition, will it be higher…

  3. UPND must stop the habit of issuing instructions or Ultimata as if they are in control. PF has a Manifesto and as an independent party, its plans are different from that of UPND. I am you Mr. would not want the PF to copy your “10 point plan”. Therefore, I can conclude that you statement is done out of malice and not in good faith. Why advice the PF?

  4. Your ka president is saying we knock out some taxes and u chimudala u r saying we subsides, now my question is:is this not a pure case of inconsistence??????coz u just dream and don’t understand facts.JUST GO BACK TO THE VILLAGE PAPA

  5. When will the UPND replace this effigy? His politics are so outdated! That position should be occupied by a fresh young person. He fails to read the situation. There’s no money for subsidies! If Govt is failing to pay contractors and suppliers where will the money to subsidize fuel come from?

  6. We can’t make such a mistake by giving this country to up and down to experiment on. Running a government is not like feeding cattle in the plains.It is serious business my big brother.

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