Saturday, July 27, 2024

Something Better


Today’s Scripture

“…Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”
(John 11:40, NIV)

Something Better

In John 11, Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus that their brother, Lazarus, was very sick. They thought He would come right away and heal Lazarus. But days passed, and Lazarus died. When Jesus showed up, Mary and Martha were so upset. They said, “Jesus, if You had been here, our brother would still be alive.” Against all apparent odds, Jesus went to the tomb and raised Lazarus from the dead.

Sometimes God will wait on purpose till the odds look way against you. You’re ready to bury that dream or promise. You don’t see any way it could work out. But God’s ways are not our ways. Mary and Martha prayed for a healing, but God had a resurrection in mind. Maybe God’s not going to answer your prayers the way you thought. Maybe He has something better than you ever dreamed. Trust Him. Odds don’t determine what He can and cannot do.”

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You are the keeper of my dreams. I trust that You are totally for me when all the odds are stacked against me. I believe that You are working behind the scenes and bringing a resurrection to what I thought was dead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


  1. I am going to create man and woman with original sin. Then I am going to impregnate a woman with myself as her child, so that I can be born. Once alive I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself.

    To save you from the original sin I condemned you to.

    Did I get that right? I just want to be enlightened.

  2. Jehovah guide us and forgive us for all our sins and shortcoming. Also continue to give PF the wisdom and capacity to continue winning elections and serving the zambian people. Amen. Kz

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