King Litunga Lubosi Imwiko the second of the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) in Western Province has celebrated his 20 years coronation anniversary.
The commemorations which were held at his palace in Limulunga started with an inter-denomination church service at the Kuta as a way of thanking God for favoring the Litunga in his reign.
In an Interview with ZANIS, BRE Ngambela, Mukela Manyando said the anniversary is in honor of the good leadership the Litunga has shown for the people of Barotseland.
“We are celebrating a king we love who is a good leader to his subjects and should continue reigning as he is helping in bringing development for us,” The Ngambela stated.
The Ngambela stated that Lubosi Imwiko II has demonstrated his hard work by engaging in various projects.
“The King who is into commercial farming is calling on his subjects to emulate his hard-work in order to bring development in the community,” Mr Manyando stated.
The Ngambela further called on the people of Western province to continue living in peace and as one despite different ethnic groups.
He stated that the BRE tradition is anchored on many norms and values that should be followed by everyone.
“We should not take for granted the peace that has been enjoyed and should together work hard in working with the traditional leaders,” he stated.
“ We Need to have respect for authority, kindness and love for one another and the Litunga has demonstrated to us on how to follow the values and should be passed on to the next generations” the Ngambela added.
And Southern Province Permanent Secretary Mwangala Liomba who was in attendance has congratulated the Litunga for the successful ruling of Barotseland for 20 years.
Mr Liomba said the Litunga has been a unifier of the people in all districts and that has been evident in the attendance of all chiefs from the districts in the province.
“We have seen the favour of God through celebrating him for saving as a king for 20 years,” Mr Liomba stated.
And Limulunga District Commissioner Maurice Litula has wished the traditional leaders well in his continued leadership for his subjects.
Mr Litula stated that the Patriotic Front government is keen to work with traditional leaders hence creating a ministry for them.
“BRE and Government have good working relations as traditional leaders are vital in the implementation of development across the country,” The District Commissioner stated.
The Litunga Lubosi Imwiko II 20 year’s anniversary commemorations ran for 3 days from 27 to 29th November, 2020.

It’s Barotseland not western province ba LT, that’s a slave name.stop forcing that name on us please.
Gift Mwanamwambwa Wa Musiwa but iwe ndiwe siku chabe ????
Calvi Gofa oh please spare the livingi ignorance, western province my foot! ..Where do you find Barotse in Western province? It’s vice versa bati!
Gift Mwanamwambwa Wa Musiwa in Kalabo???
Calvi Gofa @Litunga of western province, what rubbish is this? It’s Litunga of Barotseland that’s why we the Barotse Royal Establiment, actually this needs urgent change to Barotse Royal Authority. Enough of this misinformation. Gofa, say after me… Litunga of Barotseland
Gift Mwanamwambwa Wa Musiwa nihanile weena ??
Calvi Gofa zwafa, kizahao ask his royal highness Mukuni (mufalali) baka ku tatululela minange
Calvi Gofa it must be noted that the present day Barotseland you call western likamani koo has almost half of Zambia’s tribes.hana luutwe yebo suntwe
Why you didn’t invite my aunt ?
Is that Mr Bill 10?
Cnngrats your highness
LT do you haves editors? celebrats or celebrates? How pathetic!
There is really nothing to dance for here when you consider the state of Limulunga and the Mongu – Lusaka roads.
The real King… the rest are wannabes. But this Litunga has been a bit of a sellout to the Lozi people, looking after his own interests cozying up to Lusaka politicians at the expense of the Barotse people. We Barotse people are loyal to the throne and not this Litunga.
By the way all the Lusaka politicians shouldn’t be going to take over these ceremonies… the senior Indunas should be sitting in those seats and not these ‘look at me’ showmen.
Tukongote Lubosi wa Imwiko!
Litunga is the higher title. King is too crass and thoroughly colonial. Barotseland is the colonial name of our province.
As Zambians, we pray for the Litunga to reign over us for another continuous life time.
This Litunga is too selfish.