Saturday, July 27, 2024

ZAMRA advises against self-prescribing medicines


The Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA) has bemoaned reports of members of the public self-prescribing the Ivermectin injection for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in humans.

Senior Public Relations Officer, Christabel Iliamupu has advised people that there is no conclusive clinical data to support its safety and efficacy in the context of COVID-19.

Mrs Iliamupu said currently, in Zambia, Ivermectin Injection has been registered and authorized for veterinary use only.

She has urged people to adhere to the current Ministry of Health guidelines on prevention and treatment of COVID-19 and refrain from self-prescribing of unauthorized medical products.

Mrs. IIiamupu has cautioned importers and distributors of veterinary medicines to adhere to good distribution practices (GDP) and standard treatment guidelines (STGs) in order to avoid misuse of medicines.

She notes that non-adherence will result in the prosecution of offenders in line with the provisions of the law.


  1. Chi ZAMRA….chachabe fye!!!! We do not trust you anymore after you approved ifima condom ifyatulika. Namutulwalika!!!

  2. People seem to be confusing product quality with medical advice – self-prescription is no guarantee of quality.

    Instead, self-prescription is a recipe for taking something with no meaningful effect or, at worse, that can do grave harm (i.e. drink bleach lately?). A quick Google search says Ivermectin is used for veterinary purposes to treat infections caused by roundworms, threadworms, and other parasites and is not recommended to treat or prevent COVID. So, unless you believe internet rumors (or are a goat with tapeworm?), better I’m sure is to social distance, mask up, and wash hands regularly.

  3. Follow Moh guidelines and pray. We have demons wishing bad omen on Zambia. They know who they are and will soon down vote this comment

  4. They are self prescribing because they don’t trust you mind you nothing has changed at ZAMRA, its the same Directors still in charge that okayed distribution of expired Honeybee medicines and defective condoms & gloves. Its like asking the public to have confidence in the police when its the same IG in charge.

  5. Our local impostor is now bored playing K Z as the real one is quiet and giving material in the media now the silly shameless boy is attempting to spice up things by adding religion. #N3z the coon

  6. Good evening tarino. I hope you are well and that God is watching over you. I know that is not you speaking all that negativity but the demon inside you. I will continue praying for your salvation you sinner.

  7. It’s usually the clinical officers that pretend to be medical doctors that end up spreading misleading medical advice. They have a tendency of pulling patients to the side and offering to help for a small fee. The New Minister of Health must take time to investigate thoroughly why people are opting for this Vet drug. People cannot just wake up and think of this drug, they’ve been misled by someone pretending to be a doctor somewhere.

    • But a pharmacist has a legal obligation to check for who prescribed the medicine. He can check the practice number and if this isn’t a doctor he can report him and refuse to dispense the medicine

  8. You are very right Diaspora Lady.Cinical officers think they are physicians and surgeons too in Zambia. They run unregistered surgeries in the communities and prescribe any medicine you ask them to for a small fee.Zambians will continue dying like flies as long as the government continues to empower these half trained physicians to run medical centres because of shortage Of doctors .So many years passed after independence and we are still dealing naba medical assistant .we are supposed to have trained medical doctors in all health institutions who spent many years to know the human body well and are able to diagnose and prescribe the right recommended medicine that has few or no side effects at all.Its true 75% of the clinical officers are in a wrong profession as they…

  9. Its true 75% of the clinical officers are in a wrong profession as they do dirty deals to make money from from ignorant sick members of the community who end up with wrong prescriptions. This is the time to clean our society.

  10. But how can self prescription happen? In civilized states pharmacists will never give or sell you certain drugs unless a doctor has prescribed them. Anyone dealing in unprescribed drugs is a pusher, not a pharmacist. So how are Zambians self prescribing?

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