Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu Commutes the death Sentence of Keith Mukata to Life Imprisonment


PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has commuted the jail sentence of former United Party for National Development MP Keith Mukata and 245 others from death row to life imprisonment.

Mukata who served as Chilanga MP till his conviction for murdering his security guard in 2018 and was sentenced to death by hanging and had recently announced that he had found the Lord and was a pastor in the making.

Speaking in Kabwe today, Home Affairs Minister Hon Stephen Kampyongo announced that President Lungu has commuted the death sentences of 246 inmates on death row at Mukobeko Maximum Security Prison and Kabwe Female Correctional Centre in Kabwe to life imprisonment.

Hon Kampyongo said out of the 246 commuted inmates, 225 are males while 21 are females and that the commutation of sentences from death to life imprisonment was in line with the President’s powers vested in Article 97 of the Constitution of Zambia.

“The clemency of Death to Life Sentences under his leadership has accumulated to about six hundred and thirty (630) during his seven years of reign. This is unprecedented human rights record which cannot go unnoticed,” he said.

The Minister said the prison authorities and inmates have expressed gratitude to President Lungu as the move will result in decongestion of the condemned section of the Maximum Security

“This prison reserved for condemned prisoners was built during the colonial era and was intended to house a maximum of 50 prisoners. Currently, however, this section of the prison accommodates more than 420 prisoners partly because there have been no executions since 1997,” he said.

He said the commutation of inmates is an opportunity for them to introspect on their past mistakes.

“Instead of you meeting the hanger you have been given a second chance of life imprisonment, therefore, do not take this lifetime gesture for granted,” Hon. Kampyongo told the excited inmates.

And Zambia Correctional Service Commissioner General Dr. Chisela Chileshe disclosed that the service has recorded 67 cases of COVID-19 among inmates and officers across all correctional facilities.

Dr Chileshe said the service will continue to enforce measures to protect inmates against the spread of the virus.

Meanwhile, speaking on behalf of the 246 inmates, Dickson Kasongo thanked President Lungu for commuting their death sentences to life imprisonment.

Mr. Kasongo said it is clear that President Lungu is concerned about the welfare of prisoners.

“His Excellency, the President, and the PF administration have enabled us to acquire National Registration Cards (NRCs) as well as Voters cards in order that we participate in the decision-making process of the country during the elections, it shows that he has not forgotten about us and wants us to be better people,” he said.


  1. This is commendable especially for a Christian nation. As a new born again Ithank the president for sparing this mans life. He has a lot more to offer to our country as a learned lawyer. Rehabilitation is part of the correctional process. I will continue praying for this man and our president. Lesa wamaka

  2. Death sentence is a primitive practice.

    No one is allowed to take the life of another. Not even the state.

    If Lungu wants to leave a real legacy, he should abolish this practice, which was introduced during colonial days. The people that introduced it have since banned it.

    Anyway, this is a good move and families of these murderers will be happy. But let us also remember their victims.

  3. It looks like a normal practice for outgoing presidents to pardon as many criminals as possible. Trump did the same.

    One thing for sure is that if I knew I would end up in prison one day, I would decongest them while I still had the power to do so.

  4. I commend the commutation of the Death Sentence, but I believe, this good news was related by the wrong person, who clearly turns this good gesture into something personal and political. This sentence was NOT necessary:
    “Instead of you meeting the hanger you have been given a second chance of life imprisonment, therefore, do not take this lifetime gesture for granted,” Hon. Kampyongo told the excited inmates.

    Otherwise, I am an advocate for the removal of the death sentence altogether.

  5. We thank the president for the decision. Mr Mukata has been doing tremendous work and effort to help fellow inmates with life skills. He has shown a lot of reformatory characteristics

  6. This is nothing new here normally in Zambia no one gets executed…I hope there are no loop holes for this guy to be released in the future no matter how much free legal advise he dishes out to inmates.

  7. Thank for the up votes. I feel positive knowing that my Christian values are slowly starting to rub on most of you.

    Tarino we are a Christian nation here and if the lord says he should be pardoned fully, who are you to say otherwise? Stay uko kwine ku diaspora with your evil hearts.

  8. Excellent gesture, it must give these inmates some sort of relief to know that they will live and have some sort of hope for freedom one day. However, I hope future release will be fair and on a first come first serve basis because I believe they are all at good behaviour.

  9. Diaspora lady kale darling. How are you? I am now born again so I cannot compliment you too much lest it leads to lustful behaviour.

  10. Death sentence is still being practiced ? Seems like Zambia,Iran , USA and other barbaric states have this in common.

  11. Kieth Mukata should be released and asked to pay the family of the man he killed by mistake, remember that was not intentional.

  12. A prison wing built for 50 people but now hosts 450? And we expect to be able to handle covid cases? I am not convinced at all.
    Elo those are campaigning tactics, they all got pardoned and are already praising the government and talking about having their own voter’s cards.

  13. @ Kaizar Zulu, lol your compliments are welcome ?am good. How are you and how’s the new spiritual journey going? I am of catholic faith, I just take it easy lol.

  14. A woman is on death row for accidentally killing her abusive and violent husband in anger. She is an unknown housewife and mother from ku komboni but not presidential pardon. Here is a man who carried a firearm on himself and discharged it deliberately in order to wound and kill while his girlfriend who remained silent in court witnessed. She never even came to his defence. Now his sentence is rightly commuted to life, that is ok. But what of the others?

  15. This was in the making no wonder they were issued NRCs and voter cards in advance. But still a job well done Mr President, we do not murder these people with impunity. They deserve a second chance and they are a very good source of human resource. Now please make good use of these people so they do not rot and age sitting around behind the prison walls. Let us make them useful so they are kept busy and away from having illicit idea.

  16. One criminal who killed many (miners and farm workers and bodyguards) walks while one who killed the guard goes in.
    Murder is murder whether one, two, three or thousands.
    To err is human, to forgive is divine.

  17. People saying death sentence is premitive , what sentence should be passed to men who gang rape your mother while you are watching then kill her while you are watching…… I still believe he who shades innocent blood his blood should also be shade

  18. Nothing new here. It happens with Presidents every now and then – sometimes as a populist ploy. In fact in Zambia, many of those on the death row should never have been on it in the first place. We still have archaic laws that still punish some crimes by death when lesser sentences should suffice. For example, aggravated robbery (where a firearm is used in the process of stealing, even if no one is killed)

  19. The action of the President not only shows the humane side but also shows he is truly a child of God as he cares and values human life.

  20. It’s a historical step taken by the president to show the world that Zambia is a society with a progressive thought process.

  21. The act of the President speaks about larger ethics of forgiveness and kind heart. He has given an opportunity for those who harm society to make amends through acts that affirm life.

  22. And, UPND and few media blame President Lungu for the violence and death of Nsama Chipyoka and Joseph Kaunda. He gave new life to the prisoners, how could he kill innocent people…

  23. President Lungu set an example to Zambians that prisoners are also humans! They got the punishment for their crime, we don’t need to cruel towards them!

  24. I am sure like other Zambian prisoners will also happy under the leadership of President Lungu as they got the opportunity to enjoy their right to vote and now this new! The nation deserves Mr. Lungu, only he can rule this nation!!!

  25. I think Hichilema is taking advantage of the kindness of the President. Spread lies about him through media to get political benefits because HH knew that in the end, Mr. Lungu will forgive him.

  26. We live in a Christian Nation that follows the ideology of love and harmony… And, President Lungu showcases this image of Zambia to the world.

  27. Until the country is in the hands of His Excellency Mr. Lungu, Zambians don’t have to worry about injustice, fraud, and corruption in the government system.

  28. Till date, no other President before President Lungu showed concern towards the welfare of Prisoners. He is the best leader we got!

  29. No one can deny the fact that he is the most sensitive and kind-hearted person! He initiating several projects to uplift Zambians, especially women and girls. He is going to win with a majority of votes in the August elections, he deserves it!!!

  30. President Lungu believes in giving second chance to the people! And, opposition and their paid media say that Mr. Lungu is a dictator…What a joke!

  31. President Lungu is our idol! There is so much to learn from him! Kindness, forgiveness, peace-loving, and working towards uplifting other people….if everyone becomes like him then the country will be a better place for all!

  32. No doubt, he will win again in the upcoming general elections with a majority of votes. Only dull people will say that he is not good for this country.

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