Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia Police is ready to deal with any form of political violence-Home Affairs Minister


Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo has assured the Zambians that Zambia Police is ready to deal with any form of political violence.

Speaking when he featured on Radio Phoenix’s ‘Night Live’ program on Wednesday evening, Hon. Kampyongo said that the overnment has equipped Zambia Police Service with new equipment to help them maintain law and order as the country heads towards the August 12 general elections.

Hon. Kampyongo said that Zambia police has been preparing for these elections by attending refresher training programs in dealing with political activities that will be commencing soon

“Police have been preparing, they have been attending refresher training programs in dealing with political activities that will be commencing soon. We have procured equipment to use in different operations including crowd control and political violence” he said.

Mr. Kampyongo also took the opportunity on the show to say that that the recent conviction of opposition United Party for National Development(UPND) Sesheke Member of Parliament Romeo Kang’ombe is a demonstration that the law is not selective, adding that the rule of law does not look at the status of an individual but looks at the crime committed.

“We have had our own members of the party serve sentences. When you break the law it doesn’t matter which political party you belong to” he said.

HOME Affairs Minister Hon Stephen Kampyongo
HOME Affairs Minister Hon Stephen Kampyongo

On the show, Mr. Kampyongo also charged that it was an absurd fallacy for anyone to even begin to Compare UPND President Hakainde Hichilema to President Lungu, stating that Mr. Hichilema is outrightly outshined by having been the most unpopular Presidential candidate and that Mr.Hichilema would go down in Zambian history as the most unsellable and unpopular Presidential candidate who contested 6 elections and lost all of them.

Hon. Stephen Kampyongo said that the achievements of the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) in the last ten years is attracting members from various opposition political parties, adding that the recent defections of UPND Mbabala MP Hon. Ephraim Belemu and former UPND spokesperson Charles Kakoma to PF is because they are able to see what the PF has achieved.

“Those coming out of UPND have realised that the opposition party is going forward in reverse gear,” he said.

“Hon. GBM was not an ordinary member of the UPND, he was a vice president before him was Dr. Canisius Banda, Mr Richard Kapita and Sikota Wina who have all left,” he said.

Commenting on the defection of Stephen Masumba from the PF to UPND, Hon. Kampyongo said, “You can go fishing, you can fish bream, others fingerings, Kapenta it depends on the caliber that you as a party attract,” he said.


  1. In developing countries, it seems police is always about threats. Rather than discussing how the police will deal with violence, why not approach the parties and reach out on how you can work together to mitigate it. Let’s be civil and not confrontational.

  2. Be careful what you wish for mune Kampyo; the same police will be on your tail in the final analysis.

    Kama does catch-up

  3. The rigging of the 2021 Election was planned way back. ECL imported heavy equipment and machinery for ZPS to crush any protests against stolen Elections. ECL is stealing a Third Term and the 2021 Elections to retain Power. Breaching the Republican Constitution by ECL is a recipe for disaster for Zambia. People should brace for a Return to a One Party State Dictatorship in Zambia if ECL gets away with an illegal and unconstitutional Third Term. The writing is on the wall.

  4. This former Katondo Street Currency Dealer has started with his threats again…where is the officer that shot those two innocent Zambians let him stand in the dock and be questioned on who ordered him to shoot to kill.

  5. After the procurement of police machinery, we expect nothing short of that. We as civilians expect to be protected at whatever cost. Those who are willing to create anarchy are willing to kill innocent civilians so please give them a taste of their own medicine. If you need back up, I am willing to volunteer my services as a karate black belt. I can give painful kicks to the manhood areas

  6. When are the names of the 1200 recruits been recruited
    Or maybe you have already done an inside recruitment without publishing the names in the newspaper?

  7. Minister of Police Brutality, the blood of those two innocent souls is on your hands, it is crying to God for justice as you speak. Watch what comes your way for nothing stays on top forever, under the sun.

  8. I wonder which Intel source the Hon. Minister of Home Affairs is using to predict that the police service is well prepared with newly acquired equipment and been retrained to deal with any trouble makers during and after elections? Surely this coming coming from the mouth of a normal minister or person who is charged with internal security of citizens and their properties. We expect the Minister to be level headed and assure the nation that peace will always be there under his watch with or without elections and expect people go out in numbers to vote as they are assured of total security or protection from the Zambia police service. In the same vein he should encourage the opposition of level ground where they will be fairly been by ECL and PF hands down. You don’t count the chickens…

  9. The Jay Jay guy beat up the Police and entire PF celebrated his achievement.
    Anyway, as long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest shall never cease.

  10. We want PF leadership to provide an enabling environment for all political players so that when Lungu and his PF says we won, it should not leave any doubts in the heads of opponents that there was this and that under hand method. It must be a clear win even where the referee wants to favour this or that one, it must a hands down win and as voters we go on with our usual life.

  11. They know too well that they can never win a free and fair election hence the procurement of heavy machinery and equipment to quell off any possible protests after flawed polls. The voters’ register is already flawed, stopping the opposition from mobilizing freely and violently storming radio stations to disrupt interviews

  12. Mr Kampyongo boss those so called ‘breams’ who have defected to your party can never be trusted. More so that they served in the opposition for a very long time and they are from the UPND strongholds. Masumba is from the UPND stronghold, mind you


  14. All democratic countries have equipment suitable for controlling unrully crowds, as well a criminal elements. The equipment procured for Zambia police is universal equipment manufactured for that purpose and it is not unique for Zambia. Hence, those law abiding citizens have no cause to panic because that equipment is not for them. But those who want to sponsor hooligans to asher them to state house by violence have real cause to be concerned. The opposition have only the ballot box as the battle ground. Outside of the ballot box it is the police’s battle ground so they must choose only one battle field they want to compete in.

  15. Police dealing with people, they are ready. But fixing the economy which they messed up is a big problem. We want change please, this trajectory is not healthy at all

  16. Make me the Minister of Home Affairs or Torture. Kampyongo will wish he was never born. I would make him taste the bitterness his own medicine that he has prescribed for the opposition. He needs it on a serious note.

  17. Zambia is now a Police State where 4 UPND Officials were abducted and detained for more 2 weeks without being charged and taken to Court . The Law requires that suspects be charged and taken to Court within 24 hrs. This ECL Govt has no respect for Constitutionalism, Rule of Law, Good Governance and Human Rights. ECL is imposing himself on Zambians thru an illegal and unconstitutional Third Term. The New Voters Roll has been rigged Zambia is now a lawless State led by a one Man Dictatorship. Zambia with ECL at the Helm for another 5 Years will be a mess.

  18. Policing is not provocating the citizens so that you plan to arrest those who resist you.
    Like in Kan’ombe’s case we find it interesting and all Zambians have seen the footage. Where are we taking our country Zambia?
    Kampyongo has been planted in this ministry for a purpose of evil in the likeness of maintaning law and order, but provocking the innocesent.
    One day Zambians shall react and what Kanpyongo should not forget is that when got independence, it was through stones and no firearm was involved not because white did not have but it was time to relieve Zambians from slavery.
    Today we see exploitation of those in givernment on the citizens.
    Civil war starts when people are hungry and not when all are full with resources.
    Hungry people are always angry.

  19. In Zambia under this pf government, opposition members are not regarded as human beings they can be killed in cold blood without any form of justice. May God Almighty who said “the wicked shall not go unpunished,’ take up their cases and speedily give them justice, in Jesus name.

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