Saturday, July 27, 2024

Southern Chiefs hail President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu says peace and all democratic tenants are guaranteed as the country heads to the August 12th 2021 General Elections.

And chiefs from Southern Province have pledged to support the government as well as sensitize the people against political violence.

President Lungu reaffirmed that the government will not relent in its quest of quality services delivery to the general citizenry before and after the dissolution of parliament.

The Head of State underscored that service provision to the people is a core mandate of the government and cannot be disturbed by campaigns or general elections.

President Lungu emphasized that when parliament is dissolved next month, his office of the Republican Vice President and Permanent secretaries will continue to implement activities as usual.

The Head of State made the remarks at the state house yesterday, when the delegation of five (5) chiefs from Southern Province called on him.

“It will be business as usual in the public service, my office, Vice President and the permanent secretaries will work closely to ensure that we do not disturb the flow of service delivery to the people. I am very certain that the PF will carry the day based on massive developmental activities that have been implemented since we formed government in 2011,” President Lungu charged.

On political violence, President Lungu explained that he will ensure political violence is curbed and support traditional leaders and other stakeholders that are against the vice.

President Lungu urged all political players and stakeholders to have confidence and support the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) as it is the only institution mandated to manage elections.

“I am happy that key stakeholders like yourselves have shown the zeal to fight political violence through massive sensitizations. We shall source funds to support you with mobility as you embark on this noble cause and we should all work together as Zambia belongs to all of us and peace should be cherished,” president Lungu stressed.

Meanwhile, Chief Chikanta who led the other four (4) traditional leaders, pointed out that all chiefs in Southern Province are happy with President Lungu’s developmental agenda.

Chief Chikanta cited livestock empowerment, fight against gender based-violence being spearheaded by the ministry of Gender and the moral fiber being strengthened by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, as among the visible developments that the government has rolled out.

He stated that chiefs in the province are in a hurry to embark on massive sensitization against political violence, voter apathy and chiefs exchange visits but are facing mobility challenges.

“As chiefs from the Southern Province we are in full support of all projects that the government is rolling out in the province. We also ask for mobility support to enable us to sensitize our subjects against political violence and we are sure that you will come to our aid just as you did to the village head persons,” Chief Chikanta said.

Other four traditional leaders also took turns in praising the government for the massive social and economic development that has been rolled out countrywide.

Chiefs Chipepo and Choongo stressed that President Lungu will not leave office until he accomplishes the developmental projects that he has embarked on.

The duo cited construction of the National House of Prayers and implementation of the social protection policy as among the life changing projects that will benefit generations to come.

The five chiefs that paid a courtesy call on President Lungu at State House are: Chiefs Chikanta of Kalomo district, Mukobela of Namwala, Chipepo of Siavonga, Choongo of Monze district and Chief Choma of Choma district.


  1. This time around pf is penetrating southern province. The women there like pf members so when we win we will party there

  2. So how much “empowerment” (or bribes as the rest of the world would call it) has the corrupt PF government given to these treacherous chiefs? You can see it from the sheepish looks on their faces!

  3. Did those chiefs visit Princess Veronica Mukuni in PF jail?
    The humble and articulated Hatembo were seen in video saying they are and were never abducted.

  4. ECL must first sort out his Eligibility issue. RB is the 4th Republican President who held Office for less than 3years. When RB lost Elections in 2011 to Sata he retired and he is enjoying his Pension Benefits even though he served for less than 3 years. ECL held Office as the 6th Republican President in 2015-2016 for 18 months. Both RB and ECL were elected under the 1996 Constitution. If RB’s 2 years ,10 months and 22 days is a Term of Office why is ECL’s 18 months in Office not considered a Term? Legally and Constitutionally ECL’s 18 months is a Term and on that basis ECL served his first Term in 2015-2016 and served his second Term from 2016 to 2021. It follows therefore that ECL has held Office twice and has been elected and sworn in twice and therefore cannot be elected as…

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