Saturday, July 27, 2024

‘I used to hunt wild animals to feed my family’ – Fashion Sakala


Zambian star Fashion Sakala opens up about the fairytale rags-to-riches football journey that has taken him to Scottish champions, Rangers.


  1. Hunting wild animals to feed your family is a privalge many people dream about…..count yourself very lucky….

    And well done and aim for the sky’s

  2. This boy needs advisors …Zambians in Scotland reach out to this boy, he doesnt know how the racists and fascists will interpret such utterances

  3. akapS – To some ignorant moron in Europe will think of so many racist undertone from such utterances…this is why I love Nigerians they would have advised their own about how to conduct yourself in public and social media

  4. Tarino

    Racists aside, programmes of people hunting for wild animals to feed their families are in high demand and sell for hundreds of thousands……

    Many in the west would only dream of such a life and tv is the closest they get to such a life……

  5. Does this ignorant boy Fashion Sakala know what opposition fans will be chanting …when he is making such utterances…Zambians in Scotland reach out to this lad.

  6. Looks very humble and strong Christian.If he
    Remains focussed then he has bright future.
    Let him not get carried away with Riches.
    We have seen how others before him who
    Became bigheaded.

  7. @ Tarino Orange ,
    This is Fashion Sakala`s legacy, and we need to take it as an inspiration than to be concerned with what the racist Scots will think.
    I hope you living in the UK, you are not hiding the fact that you came from Zambian. A true person never hides his personal legacy. I personally, can relate to his story, I have settled outside Zambia, but I have never forgotten my roots to explain to my kids the type of life I went through, I have brought both my white wife and kid to visit the remotest area from where I came from. The point is that its a SIN that you were born black, these racist people will be racist regardless of your story. Therefore, be a man and never forget your roots! And this young man`s story should save as motivation, that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!

  8. I can relate to the rags to riches struggle. We made it my brother. Be very proud of your achievements. Thank you jesus

  9. Imbeba has now been classified as wild animals. Take care young man and congrats. You’re not yet there. Do your best as you still have many challenges ahead. We’re proud of you

  10. akapS – Ask him what wild animals he was hunting and where? Now how do you think someone in Glasgow who has never been outside Scotland is going to interpret that…this is why I am stating someone needs to reach this young man he is no longer in Belgium but UK and he will be giving post match interviews after Champion league matches. I have been in the UK long enough to how they interpret such utterances no matter how subtle.

  11. @general kanene by now you should know that this f00Iish boy tarino is an oreo( black on the outside but hoping to be whlte on inside). He suffers from inferiority complex and is your typical example a c00n. Why do you even take him seriously

  12. Tarino f.u.c.k off!!! If you are not proud about your roots don’t expect others to be as f00Iish as you. Fashion is making more money than you will ever make in your entire life in a year. You are just an unemployed waste of space living off government handouts. W.e.m.b.u.w.a way

  13. But kwena ama racists wild animals will be deliberately interpreted as Buffallo, Giraffe, Antelope and so on. Mukomfwa ati Fashion was named after a Zebra because he is as flamboyant as the animals he used to hunt and bring home to his wife.

  14. general Kanene – Refer to my response to akapS …yes I have lived here long enough to know how the natives interpret such innocent utterances especially from a black man. This is even worse in football given how black players are being targeted on social media. I am very proud of where I am from if you have seen my posts under my previous alias you wouldn’t call me out.

  15. To the LT sanctioned UK based Troll/ Impostor
    The most classic adage regarding trolling is, “DONT FEED TROLLS.” Trolls seek out emotional responses and find provocation amusing, so replying to them or attempting to debate them will only make them troll more. By ignoring a troll completely, they will likely become frustrated and go somewhere else on the internet.

    You should try your best not to take ANYTHING trolls say seriously. NO matter how POORLY they behave, remember these people spend countless UNPRODUCTIVE hours trying to make people mad. They’re not WORTH your time of day.

  16. Way to go Fashion Sakala….at Rangers you got a good coach in Stevie G, make the most of his ideas and you will get far. I’m delighted for you my bro.

  17. I’m more than surprised @Kaizer Zulu’s found comfort in derogatory remarks against another black man for stating his opinion. If in fact we all had the same mind, would such disparaging epithets conjure up in the minds of people like @Kaizer who use them or that we will all agree in unison? Difference in opinion is healthy, and many times embedded in personal experiences. We must NEVER call each other names such as the one @Kaizer seems to eulogize. Lucky Dube puts it right, “How can a brother kill a brother when we are the victims of the situation? Or are you on this platform to stir up the pot?

  18. OlympusHasFallen – Dont waste you time on a Troll/ Impostor it has no responsibility to that name or any affiliation too the ruling party…it is an LT sanctioned Troll.

  19. @Admirer, it is Fashion’s hard work. Fashion does the hard work and God meets him halfway. I wish all people could think like that.

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