Saturday, July 27, 2024

ERB to investigate the fire incident on the petroleum tankers


The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has instituted investigations into the fire incident involving three petroleum road tankers that occurred in the light industrial area of Lusaka, on Friday June 4, 2021.

ERB Public Relations Manager Kwali Mfuni warns that due enforcement action will be taken against any licensed enterprise should they be found wanting.

According to a statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka, Ms. Mfuni indicated that considering the flammable nature of petroleum products, the incident was a matter of serious concern as safety is critical in the transportation and handling of fuel.

Ms. Mfuni explained that it was for this reason that the Board launched urgent investigations into the matter in order to find out the cause of the incident.

“In order to ensure public safety, urgent investigations into the incident have since been instituted to establish the cause of the accident. Preliminary findings are that the three tankers caught fire, while parked at a private business premises in the light industrial area of Lusaka,” Ms. Mfuni stated.

She disclosed that the Board has safety guidelines which govern the transportation of petroleum products as stipulated in the Zambian Standard ZS 372: Operational Requirements for Road Tank Vehicles – Code of Practice.

ERB Public Relations Manager urged tanker drivers to observe the standard outlined safety measures not only while on the road, but also when the petroleum tankers are parked.

She regretted the loss of property as well as fuel due to the accident, while urging the general public to always contact ERB in the event of petroleum safety concerns.


  1. Most Indians at Varun Beverages Ltd, in Lusaka, came to Zambia with nothing, they get favours from their fellow Indians at that company, In just a short period of time you see them driving around in big cars and living the good life. Zambians who are supposed to be paid 2000 US $ are paid 2000 kwachas instead , the rest is paid to Indians with no qualifications and experience. Zambians are given 1-2 years short contracts while Indians who just arrived in the country are employed permanetly, Maybe those so called ”robbers” in Mwinilunga are just frustrated Zambians that went to collect what belongs to them

  2. The ERB always investigates AFTER the incident. They NEVER hold inspections BEFORE something bad happens. And if they find something wrong, nothing that can’t be solved with a K50 or K100 note in the respective ERB pocket. That’s the corrupt PF government way of doing business! Isn’t it Lying Lungu?

  3. Zedian on the robbers in Mwinilunga getting what belongs to the is unfortunate statement. The family that was robbed is very much Zambian. The mother to the man Shahk is Lunda from Mwininyilamba and father is one who was Indian. Be it Mwenye or non Mwenye the robbery incident was not a good thing. The fire incident which occurred at a few depot could have been avoided had the people involved followed safety rules, ERB is becoming another chair regulator because they don’t go in the field to get facts on the ground and how they can remedy them.

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