Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND cadres threaten to grab stalls from Kamwala Marketeers


Marketeers from Kamwala market who own makeshift shops have complained of victimization from some purported UPND cadres who have threatened to forcibly grab their shops.

Some cadres led by Francis Mwamba who claims to be UPND Ward Youth Chairman have gone on rampage threatening owners of makeshift stalls of violence if they do not surrender their shops located facing Independence avenue near Kafue Roundabout.

“When I passed through my shop I was told Mr Mwamba said he owns my shop now and they want to see me. We voted for President Hichilema because we were tried of victimisation by PF cadres but now these very people want to take over our stalls. We spent over K30,000 to build these shops,” complained one shop owner James Mweenda.

The marketeers have since appealed to Republican President Hakainde Hichilema, Lusaka City Council and the Police to quickly intervene.

“It is sad that some people who think the win for President Hichilema was only because of them when we are the ones who voted. Why must we live in fear when we delivered the victory for the President?” said Mwenda.


  1. Are those stands even legally there? That area is supposed to be cleared. These are people thstvheloed themsrlves, through PF caderism, to illegal land occupation. That is not to say that the UPND caders should eviction them to occupy the stalks. No let the law deal with demolition of the stalls, they are not far from the railway line and even in that matter alone they have broken the law

  2. Are those stands even legally there? That area is supposed to be cleared. These are people that helped themselves, through PF caderism, to illegal land occupation. That is not to say that the UPND caders should eviction them to occupy the stalks. No let the law deal with demolition of the stalls, they are not far from the railway line and even in that matter alone they have broken the law

  3. All we’ve done is changed the colour of the traffic lights. The drivers are still the same. I don’t think the Zambian people will take prisoners this time round. UPND will fail at the first hurdle of they are not careful. Tame your monster.

  4. UPND will fast get unpopular because of cadres like these ones. Someone need t stand with those Marketeers…

  5. The start of lawlessness. That Francis was PF youth under Kelvin Samoa, switched to PF towards the end, and now terrorizing marketers? UPND watch out or you will be one term party. Same cadres…

  6. At the moment, there is no leadership in the country. Cadres are busy making statements everywhere and taking things into their own hands.

    The outgoing president is busy packing and the incoming is busy preparing the inauguration speech.

    For now, we are on our own.

  7. The swift message from UPND leadership must read, if you are identified to be inciting violence, harrassing innocent people, you are fired from the party immediately and handed over to Police immediately. If you use the same method Edgar Lungu was using by just talking and telling cadres to stop, it does not work, Learn this very quickly UPND please

  8. This is the legacy of that lawless moron lungus rule……..

    HH has not yet assumed power. Lungu is still the president presiding over lawlessness……..

    We expect all caders to be banished one HEHH assumes power……

  9. This culture of lawlessness will be a test for the new president. We’ve fought ECL and his thugs in order to bring sanity to the country. We can’t allow the situation only to revert to the status quo. This is why I’ve always argued for a complete removal and replacement of the Constitution to one that deals with this nonsense. We can’t let presidents and their parties and followers to continue their jungle law behaviour. Time for change of the Constitution is nigh. I disagree with John Sangwa when he says that there’re other issues as high priority. The Constitution removal and replacement is the most important thing to change for us. Otherwise, we’ll be back fighting the same cadres but in different shirts and same marketeers and characters who’ve got no respect for council land…

  10. So just the colors have changed from green to red,traffic light change still on the same road this won’t end well with UPND soon UPND cadres will realize that they can’t survive without being a Cadre and that’s when trouble will start and HH will be a one term Presiden. The diasporans are reeling from the sudden Kwacha gains against major currencies and the real estate industry depends on the diasporans and foreigners and they’re also finding it hard to find buyers for their properties…some of the people who voted for HH are already complaining they’re losing money every day with induced Kwacha gains

  11. And it has already started, the habit of “appealing” to the president for intervention whereas in a matter as this the rightful authority is the council! People whether due to ignorance of how the governance systems operate are quick to lump on the presidency matters that should not even get to his ear reducing the office to all round handling of general and trivialities! High time for educating people on jurisdictional responsibilities vis-a-vis governance! All campaign materials and regalia should be put away until the next campaign period to avoid atrocities by evil people!

  12. Hahaha ati we voted for change. Very f00Iish youth. I told you that upnd is the most violent party. You will know jesus christ you hopeless sinners who voted these thugs in.

  13. HEHH is only president elect…….he is not yet president.

    Wait for HEHH to assume power. You will see.

    These are the last pangs of the lawless lungu rule…..

  14. Fundamentally, the problem of political party cadres started with the rise of unemployment in the country. When employment was easy to find, very few people wanted to be associated with markets. Unfortunately the population is rising and employment opportunities are shrinking. It’s a fact.

  15. Those socalled “marketeers” in fact have proven to be the same PF cadres who have been chased out of the markets for their racketeering practices! They have been beating up bus drivers, real marketeers etc. I’m sorry but these criminals need JAILTIME rather than protection!

  16. PF cadres wearing UPND colours.

    Don’t worry, Bally will fix you all.

    Meanwhile, let us proceed with operation recovery. We need to build more prisons.

    We voted very wisely.

  17. Wait worse things are coming when we were saying UPND cadres are more violent and the one who was instgating violence you were not listen . Wait after 24th August,2021.

  18. There is currently unprecedented levels of lawlessness perpetrated by political cadres in Zambia. Can’t soldiers assist the police to restore order before this election victory escalates into pogrom type persecutions?

  19. Maybe you have forgotten that H.E HH will be sworn in on Tuesday and as of now the president of Zambia is H.E Edgar Lungu, Where is the misunderstanding ? Why don’t we wait till HH is sworn and the UPND government takes over officially. The IG of Police is Kanganja.
    You now begin to see how inefficient the police had become. They cant do their work until instructions come from state house.
    You pf cadres , we know you are wishing bad luck for the UPND government. It wont happen . They will run the country professionally.

  20. They haven’t seen anything yet and when the youth won’t get any jobs they will resort to robberies….watch crime go up under UPND…to much over-promising

  21. These cadres worked tirelessly to remove PF off the scene in anticipation of taking up their livelihood. They called it change goal, half time, to change hands. If any of us is surprised about this cadre hooliganism, better have his head checked. It is as expected.

  22. Pf thugs masquerading as UPND are still terrorizing elderly women at markets….Lungu should send them to Mozambique were they can help thwart terrorist activities there .

  23. @Red Square you Nailed it! People are indeed forgetting there can only be one president at a time. Until HH is sworn into office Edgar Lungu is still the sitting president. It is ECL responsibility to stand Strong Against Lawlessness while in office. After Tuesday onwards it will be HH’s duty to restore law and order to Zambia. With the said. I think It is premature for people to start grading HH before he even starts leading the country. After 6 months in office and if nothing has changed, then people have every right to grade him accordingly. Patience is a virtue.

  24. Sadly there are thugs in every family, but this I dont think is representative of HH and his approach to development, I if anything so far what Ive seen is HH is totally against this kind of behaviour.

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