Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Milk processing plant commissioned in Mbala district, Northern Province


The government has commissioned a milk processing plant in Mbala district, Northern Province.

The processing plant has since been handed over to the Livestock cooperative in the district, to be put to good use, for economic expansion.

Mbala District Commissioner Annie Paul, who officiated at the handover of the facility, explained that the facility is a testimony of the government’s commitment to improve the livestock sector in the area.

She said the authority has invested substantial amounts of money to construct and equip the centre, adding that it is now expectant that all stakeholders in the district work together in ensuring that the centre is put to good use.

ZANIS reports that Mrs Paul explained that the centre has been handed over to people who are currently engaged, or have at one time been involved in dairy production.

“This is in an effort to ensure that we deliver all inclusive development in all sectors in order to uplift the living standards of the people in the area,” the DC said.

Mrs Paul adds that the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock is committed to supporting and facilitating a competitive, diversified and sustainable livestock and fisheries sector that will in turn improve household income.

She noted that this will also improve food and nutrition security, for the people, as well as other surrounding communities.

And Mbala district Mayor, Mulenga Sinyangwe implored the community members to embrace the region’s first ever milk processing plant, in order to boost their milk sales, adding that failure to properly utilise the facility, which has been constructed at a huge cost, will just be a waste of public resources.

“You should know that people will laughed at us, if we fail to use and support the facility which has been entrusted to us,” he said


  1. You should know that people will laughed at us, if we fail to use and support the facility which has been entrusted to us,” he said

  2. What a difference in leadership………

    Such handovers are left to other staff while the president attends more pressing issues……..

  3. What a difference in presidents ………

    Such handovers are left to other staff while the president attends more pressing issues……..

  4. This is very good. There’s no need for Shoprite Kasama supermarket getting milk from Lusaka, Mkushi or the Copperbelt. That’s the way it should be to ensure that this milk plant is successful.

  5. The truth and honesty position is that even if PF had their failures, the number of commissions UPND had done since getting into office in just 4 months shows that there are
    good things sincere people will say about PF rather than portraying a picture like all PF was doing is stealing. This kind of investment cannot be done in 4 months, the airline too etc. Otherwise all the best to Northern Province.

  6. Reminds me of Kaunda building a sugar refinery in Ndola not Mazabuka; Kapiri glass instead of Barotseland where the sand is or locating indeni in Ndola not Nakonde. Hard to understand!!

  7. Wht will dairy cattle eat in Sinazeze? It receives very little rain compared to Mbala. Besides that, building a milk processor in Mbala doesn’t mean u cannot build others elsewhere. Milk is a perishable product and low price commodity. It doesn’t make sense transporting it over long distances.

  8. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    I agree with you #6 and #7; why not building such a processing facility in Southern or Western provinces, the traditional cattle and milk production areas? Do we have such a facility in those places already?
    This needs to be expanded to all sorts of commodities that are imported from South Africa by Shoprite.

  9. Zambeef already supplies milk (ZamMilk) to Zambia, these govt built factories are built in area where they want to attract votes for future elections , This has happened before in UNIP times as suggested by #7 its all about politics but hopefully it will help Mbala, what they should have been built in the factory is a UHT section as most people don’t have refrigeration , then we don’t have to import UHT Milk from SA . not sure why we must depend on gov’t to do this why not private sector.

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