Wednesday, October 23, 2024

50 Fuel Tankers ready for distribution to youths


The 50 additional fuel tankers that were procured under the youth empowerment program have been inspected and are ready for distribution.

Minister of Youth, Sports, and Arts Elvis Nkandu has said that his Ministry will ensure transparency in the distribution process to ensure that the intended cooperatives benefit from the initiative.

Mr. Nkandu has said that he is aware that there was segregation in the selection of beneficiaries under the previous regime and that will no longer be the case.

He was speaking shortly after inspecting the fuel tankers at the Kinglong Motors Zambia limited warehouse in Lusaka yesterday.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nkandu has also disclosed that the tankers will be distributed across all 10 provinces countrywide.

He has also clarified that the fuel tankers that are under Kapesika belong to Government and the Cooperatives, and Kapesika is only being used for incubation.

Mr. Nkandu said he has no issue with Kapesika because they have been paying their dues to Government, and has so far paid 9 million Kwacha.

He said he is so far satisfied with Shacman because it shares the same motives as the new dawn Government.

And Ministry of Youth Permanent Secretary Kangwa Chileshe said the tour provided the Minister and directors an opportunity to get first-hand information of what has been obtained on the ground.

And Kinglong Motors General Manager Wu Ming said his company has also stocked enough spares to service the tankers at any given time.


  1. Until I see any names, I will assume that the beneficiaries are all corrupt PF cadres which were on the list of Edgar China Lungu.

    Who’s responsible for the servicing and maintenance costs
    LETS DISCUSS THIS IN 6 Months time

  3. They spoke against this initiative when we introduced it. Now they want to take all the kudos for it. They will only distribute these to youth from choma and monze

  4. This is one of the projects that must be halted. It was a scams. What criteria are you using to select those so called youths? Those of you who may have driven along Kapiri Ndola road, you could have seen the Higer bus for youth empowerment that has been marooned for the last 3 months after a breakdown. Ask Mazhyandu what Higer buses did to their business, and this is the Same coy supplying these tankers to govt.

  5. UPND swimming in PF’s glories. When it suits them they Co demn the PF. When they benefit they are mute and they claim glory what a vision less immature political party. They don’t even mention that these were procured under the PF govt.

  6. UPND should just sell these tankers to entities that can run business of fuel tankers on a viable basis and can employ youths. UPND should not just copy and paste a project which was just to appease youths for PF votes!! First check how these tankers were procured and address any corruption during the procurement of these tankers. Once satisfied, advertise and sell the tankers to business entities that can demonstrate capacity to manage and run fuel tanker business.

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