Friday, October 25, 2024

Zambia Police will not respond to PF allegations of torture of the Barber for Former President Edgar Lungu


The Zambia Police Service has said that it will not respond to allegations of torture that have been attributed to lawyers of Former President Edgar Lungu’s Barber man Shabby Chilekwa.

Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga says Police had given access to Human Rights Commission Personnel to visit the suspect.

Mr. Hamoonga says the Police will not comment because the Commission is a competent authority to comment on the allegation of torture.

He has also dispelled reports that the suspect is on Oxygen Support stating the NO detention facility offers such a service.

Mr. Hamoonga says the Police will look at the correspondence written by the Patriotic Front (PF) to the Inspector General of Police.

Yesterday Lawyers to Shabby Chilekwa, the barber to former President Edgar Lungu obtained a court order to have access to him.

Makebi Zulu confirmed that they have since seen Chilekwa who was been badly beaten since Friday.

He said Chilekwa was repeatedly tortured. He said Chilekwa has lashes on his back, his ears are injured, has blood in his urine and has serious bidy pains, saying that Zambia Police have opened a torture chamber in Kalundu where Shabby Chilekwa was tortured.

Mr Zulu said that it is the same premises where Deputy Police Commissioner Chisanga Chanda was kept.

According to his lawyers, Chilekwa is badly beaten and requires immediate medical attention. Mr. Chilekwa’s Lawyer also said the PF has written to the Inspector General of Police Lemmy Kajoba to open a case of assault on Mr. Chilekwa by a named police officer while in Police custody.

He told Journalists after visiting Mr. Chilekwa that the PF already has several letters in the IG’s office, but have not received any response.


  1. Hold on to this Barber man. He will definitely speak and Lungu will be exposed. No wonder they are scared and are trying by all means to get him out of custody before he lets loose. Fack him up. He knows something.

  2. If they can’t answer, then probably it’s the truth! I guess Inspector Chomba, if it’s true, will equally be tortured when government changes hands. Apparently retribution is now ok, even that useless catholic Bishop says PF should pay the price and the church will not speak for them. Then the church on Sunday preaches forgiveness, telling us the cross is all about forgiveness. Hypocrites. Even the church is full of UPND cadres. Yes, if people are to be punished, they should be punished in a lawful way. Not what we are seeing!

  3. I like Rae’s response. Let Human rights commissioners visit the guy. I know the paranoia of some die-hard PF people. They can lie.

  4. Torture is crime under UN conventions but unfortunately the USA which is supposed to be the beacon of Justice is leader in this cruel way of extracting information.

  5. Article 10 of the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights outlaws both physical and psychological because it does not accord respect to the dignity of human beings. This criminal act, used as a means of extracting evidence by police that are improperly trained and incompetent, cannot be associated with a government that claims to bring about a new dawn in terms of promises of freedom. It can only be associated with a New Dark Government that takes us many years back to the Middle Ages. I am sure the UPND Archbishop, Telesphore Mpundu, is hearing what we are hearing and is okay with this. I am sure he is saying to himself that the PF are being mere cry babies.

  6. This government is about revenge. I wonder what they want from an ordinary barber.

    What is difficult in arresting Edgar. Stop persecuting innocent souls. Your target is Edgar, get Edgar arrested and satisfy your egos.

    If there is a government that has no respect for human rights, its the new DARK government. Any what do you expect from a government that is headed by a s@t@n1st.

  7. This is uselessssssss govt full of revenge.kambwili told us but these crazyyyyy youths and chipata people voted for this trib—-list.You’ll see how you’ll be tortured

  8. This is us0–0e==essssssss govt full of revenge.kambwili told us but these cr–azyyyyy youths and chipata people voted for this trib—-list.You’ll see how you’ll be tortured

  9. We have terrorists is Government and the police service. When people say police is loaded with upnd cadres, others doubt. A barber man sure? Is anyone safe under baal administration?
    Hey human rights activists, are you dead? This is extremely nauseating. What information can a barber man hold for baal? Do we have police or a terrorist group masquerading as police. This is a political groupings with political interests. Zambia be warned. This Government institution has collapsed. So we add torture to the list of evils under this administration. Will BEMBAs survive under Haamonga and Kajoba?

  10. If this is making ba PF realize what “human rights” are, then well and good. The word “Human Rights” did not exist in Ba PF vocabulary up until Aug 12th. Suddenly, they are the advocates……hypocrites !
    I don’t trust and believe anything from Nakacinda. I have doubts about Mankebi’s allegations ! In short I don’t trust anything from the current PF leadership.
    I will wait for comment from the Human Rights Commission. Let’s Not speculate or fall prey to propaganda.

  11. Do You See Anything WRONG with this article why it could be moderated?
    If this is making ba PF realize what “human rights” are, then well and good. The word “Human Rights” did not exist in Ba PF vocabulary up until Aug 12th. Suddenly, they are the advocates……hypo.crites!
    I don’t trust and believe anything from Nakacinda. I have doubts about Mankebi’s allegations! In short I don’t trust anything from the current PF leadership. I will wait for comment from the Human Rights Commission. Let’s Not speculate or fall prey to pr.opaganda.

  12. Do You See Anything WRONG with this comment why it could be moderated?
    If this is making ba PF realize what “human rights” are, then well and good. The word “Human Rights” did not exist in Ba PF vocabulary up until Aug 12th. Suddenly, they are the advocates……hypo.crites!
    I don’t trust and believe anything from Nakacinda. I have doubts about Mankebi’s allegations! In short I don’t trust anything from the current PF leadership. I will wait for comment from the Human Rights Commission. Let’s Not speculate or fall prey to pr.opaganda.

  13. Even barbers were eating from the same
    Plate with the bosses? PF rule was sweet
    For those who were in it.No wonder they
    Are still regrouping and rebranding as they
    Are missing the taste of Honey.Hope Zambians don’t get carried away by their
    Cheap talk.

  14. He is not even worthy calling Bishop…—He is just a wicked. A Bishop would be working tireless to ensure their is unity and reconciliation.

  15. Did presidential barbers and presidential bodyguards also have to be PF members when Edgar Lungu was in State House? I thought Chisanga Chanda was a police officer. Real torture happened when they killed Mark Chongwa at Woodlands Police Station after a mere traffic offence.

  16. Really feel sorry for the hairstylist… Is he just a scapegoat in all this??or maybe he worked both as an henchman and barberman??

  17. THe Human Rights Commission are compiling a report. It is a well known fact that this man was badly beated and has lost his earing senses.

  18. Eye for an eye will leave Zambia blind, and if UPND claims to be different from PF ….STOP that Bcoz remember also that Power will definetly going to change hands 1 day…. iam watching and iam praying for my brother, jst remember the OATH never to say anything
    remember money does not motivate us bt dieing for our country does…

  19. From those fake PF opinion polls before elections, I don’t trust anything that comes out of the PF, this could be another of their usual schemes of trying to attract sympathy and trying to paint the now professional Police and the new dawn government black

  20. Don’t belive the sensational claims by PF…………

    It only means the authorities are getting closer to lungu………

    The noise PF are making shows this baber man knows a lot about lungu………

    Freedom sikazwe is another one who needs to be squeezed…………..he knows where money is hidden.

    Findley is lungus banker. You need international crimes investigators to get him to talk. He is smarter than the average banker.

  21. What did Chilekwa have to answer to? Torture never yielded any useful evidence from culprits. No further comment. I will be moderated.

  22. Rae Hamoonga, a police emplyee who is supposed to speak on behalf of the police? And the cult worshippers see a lot of sense in the police not responding to torture allegations. Well well we are in for it. If HH was any better than ECL we should have seen a lot of mature as ction as from him. For now niba Chipante pante.

  23. Rae Hamoonga’s carder mentality is transforming the Police Service back to Police Force. The back stops at BMW who does not implement what he preaches in front of camera, but does the exact opposite behind camera. This is pure hypocrisy!!

  24. Barber man if found guilty he will be hanged by the neck till he pronounced dead. If he wants to hide some people in PF who gave him the fire arm he will go alone.

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