Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government Institutions too Persecutorial and Punitive to Local Businesses


By Silavwe Jackson President Golden Party of Zambia.

Most Zambian Government statutory institutions that are connected to the cost and ease of doing business have a persecutory and punitive tone rather than an engaging one.

ZRA and PACRA have by far done their best to transform themselves and respond to local businesses’ needs. Nonetheless, more needs to be done at the two institutions.

ZRA’s strategy of engaging local Zambian businesses around the country in the past few years resulted in the institution increasing its revenue and meeting its targets easily.

NAPSA, WORKERS COMPENSATION, CITY COUNCILS, CCPC remain extremely punitive and persecutory towards local Zambian businesses. Their attitude and tone towards local businesses are still colonial for the most part.

Government institutions must become more receptive to the needs of local Zambian businesses if the Country is to develop economically. One wonders if the officers in these institutions know what it takes to truly build a Zambian local business from scratch.

President Hichilema being a businessman himself and his New Dawn Administration must swiftly initiate a review of laws governing ZRA, PACRA, NAPSA, WORKERS COMPENSATION, CITY COUNCILS, CCPC in relating to local Zambian businesses.

Ease of doing business will directly result in job creation, reduction in poverty levels and an increase in the GNP and GDP of Zambia and not forgetting a high standard of living among locals.



  1. A good observation. ZRA under Kingsley Chanda became so receptive that you could walk in and walk out of their offices without a headache, this was unprecedented. NAPSA is the biggest nuisance but I’m comforted by the fact that Brenda Tambatamba is equal to the task. She’s already on top of things. UPND cadres have worsened the situation because according to them, if you’re a Zambian and you drive a good car and own a house then ACC and DEC must investigate you. What kind of thinking is that? Nowadays even teachers that drive are scared of going with their cars to work because they might be accused of having stolen. Isn’t this taking us backwards? This political Party is full of people that can’t think properly

  2. I am particularly concerned the way NAPSA, Workers Compensation calculated the charges for late payment they do not consider that most of the companies are surviving on shoe string basis. ZRA has some how reformed and listens but are hard to those especially who engage in smuggling. CCPC is another hopeless entity which is not proactive they only spring up to life when a concerned raises a compliant and their response is full of quoting pieces law which a common does not understand. WE still got a long way to go. Its clear that even their very existence is like copy and paste.

  3. Spot on! We make it near impossible for fellow Zambians to conduct business, yet foreigner companies get exceptional cooperation. Take the acquisition of land as an example; how do foreigners get vast tracts of land, cheaply, directly from the Ministry of lands when the majority of indigenous Zambians don’t even know where to start?? These people then resale the land at above US$5,000.00/acre – which is quite expensive for any virgin ‘undeveloped’ land even in the USA! Can an average Zambian afford this land?..yet this is home! We have to move away from the tendency to deprive each other.

    #plant a tree please!

  4. Did to mean impunitive to PF businesses or local businesses? cos PF businesses are the only ones feeling the pinch as they stole. They didnt work for whatever they have but stole from public coffers in broad day light, so you statement is correct but only to PF cadres and besides, its not persecution,its prosecution. Cos thieves can only be prosecuted and not persecuted – if you are a thief for life it means your prosecution will be for life too, No doubt about that.

  5. Well he is right. For example, why should a local business pay a turnover tax instead of corporate income tax rate at the same rate as the turnover tax? How do small businesses manage their working capital?

  6. Spot on but you forgot too corrupt. It starts all the way from services that are a broomstick’s length from business facilitaters. Ministry of Home Affairs, very unhelpful and hostile and corrupt. How do I get my business running without an NRC and a passport? When I want these documents a policeman at the entrance is telling me I have to add K150 for someone to move the documents! The police station won’t listen to my complaints about their corrupt employees. The dogs have come to the country

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