Friday, March 7, 2025

IMF deal has given Zambia the opportunity to grow the Economy-Nalumango


Vice President Mutale Nalumango has said that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) deal has given Zambia an opportunity to restructure its debt and grow the economy.

Mrs. Nalumango said that with the IMF deal, the people of Zambia will experience the availability of drugs in hospitals and the construction of schools.

Mrs Nalumango assured the people of Kabushi in Ndola that the government through Kafubu Water and Sanitation Company will work to improve the water reticulation system in the area, adding that the free flow of sewer in Kabushi is a health risk for the people in the area.

The Vice President said that it is unfortunate that Kabushi still remains one of the least developed Constituencies in the Ndola District.

Mrs Nalumango was speaking when she addressed a rally at KALOKO grounds in Kabushi Constituency. She urged the people of Kabushi to vote for UPND candidate Bernard Kanengo in the upcoming by-election.

Mrs. Nalumango said the UPND administration has proved within one year of being in office of good leadership, employment creation, free education and an end to cadreism.

The Vice President has also disclosed that government will construct 15 schools on the Copperbelt.

And UPND chairperson for elections Gary Nkombo has asked the people of Kabushi to give the UPND chance and vote for Bernard Kanengo for better development. Mr. Nkombo, who is also Local Government and Rural Development Minister, said the people of Kabushi must move with the rest of the country who voted for the UPND.

Speaking at the same function, UPND mobilization chairperson Sylvia Masebo said the people of Kabushi have been given a second chance to elect a leader who will work for them.

Ms Masebo, who is also Health Minister, said it is unfortunate that the people of Kabushi wasted five years on poor leadership.

And Youth, Sports and Arts Minister Elvis Nkandu, Transport and Logistics Minister Frank Tayali also urged the people of Kabushi to vote for Mr. Kanengo.


  1. This kind of campaigning where all these government employees use government resources to assemble in a place where by elections are taking place to campaign is giving unfair advantage to the ruling party. It will cause unnecessary contest to the election results as the losing party will be asked to prove they didn’t use any government funds to campaign and the candidate did not disassociate himself from the pack, as in Lusambo’s rulings. Politicians never learn.

  2. This is how dull Africans are. Someone gives you Kaloba and asks you to give away you minerals for free and you say you have been given an opportunity to grow your economy. How are you going to grow your economy if your citizens are going to be over taxed? How are you going to grow your economy if your God given minerals are going to be mined and sent home for free by foreigners? As Zambians we have been sold again as slave by our so called leaders. Lumbani madoda, we thank you. Has the appreciation of the Kwacha affected the price of food in your house?

  3. By the way, IMF Bailout Approval Helps Zambian Kwacha Take the Russian Ruble’s Position as World’s Best Performing Currency

  4. Free education was there before.Just tell truth you have extended to secondary education, full stop.Grade 1 to 7 was free educaction by the time you took over Madam.It is too early to comment its demerit and merit of the free education !!!!

  5. Give Mineral holiday tax for free and borrow $1.3bn interest free. It is irrational and doomed to failure. Expect more street kids and homelessness. Learn from China, they put their number{ population} and their resources to good use.

  6. @ 4 Kci
    No wonder Africa with so much resources lags behind…..and the Bazungu are busy laughing at us…..celebrating kaloba and modern day slavery….

  7. I thought this woman went to the CB for a 2 day working visit? I hope those ministers present at these campaigns used UPND resources

  8. Politicians are not determinants of Development, this is conflict among individuals hoping to achieve power.

    Determinants of development are broadly classified into economic factors and non-economic factors.

    GRZ what’s going on?

    How come nothing was mentioned about Labor union or their representatives.

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