Saturday, July 27, 2024

Liswaniso condemns the arrest of Dr Brian Sampa, urges police to arrest homosexuality


United Party for National Development UPND National Youth Chairman, Gilbert Liswaniso has condemned the arrest of medical Doctor Brian Sampa as he led an anti-gay march in Lusaka this morning. In the last few days, the country has experienced an explosion of sodomy cases where men and young boys alike have been sexually assaulted by fellow males.

This morning, Dr Sampa started a march against gayism at the Civic Center in Lusaka heading to State House but was stopped in his tracks by police who diverted him to Kabwata Police Station together with five journalists who were covering the event.

Reacting to the arrest of the group which has since been released, Liswaniso said the UPND sided with Dr Sampa because the medic was speaking the mind of the party.

“Dr. Sampa was speaking the mind of Zambians, and the UPND, why arrest him? This is not a Government of brutality that we used to have long ago. President Hakainde Hichilema has always advised law enforcement officers to engage the public at all times and not brilutalise them. Dr. Sampa notified the police of his intention to protest against homosexuality, why didnt they respond to him? They should have engaged him if they had reasons for not going ahead with the protest which the party feel was a good cause,” Liswaniso said.

He said Dr. Sampa was speaking for Zambians and the UPND. “As a party we do not support and tolerate homosexuality. The President has spoken about this vice at different fora. He is has made it clear that this vice can never be tolerated in Zambia. What is the police trying to do? You know very well that the UPND and President Hichilema does not support the harassment of journalists. Why did you arrest the journalists? Allow journalists to operate freely,” he said.
Liswaniso had a message for the police: “To you the police, engage the people. If someone has notified you, engage them. As a party, we’re on the side of Dr. Sampa because he’s speaking the same language as us. The Republican President and the Party does not support homosexuality. Arrest the issues Dr. Sampa wants to protest about. Why arrest Dr. Sampa? This issue of arresting people anyhow must come to an end.”


  1. He protested against beer drinking he wasn’t arrested. He touches an IMF condition he is quickly arrested. What’s this?

  2. And I keep on saying shiiiit is about to hit the ceiling….Sewage pipe is about to burst… agreed to enslave Zambians with bread crumbs….our mines can generate US$1.3 billion very easy…..AFRICA WE JOKE TOO MUCH

    • The deals Frederick Chipuba, Michael Satan, and Edgar Chakolwa signed are so horrible that even when the mines generate a gross revenue of $10 billion, Zambia gets about $30 million in royalties….. HH had to take the terrible deal with the IMF because he found the finances of Zambia in a dreadful state. PF borrowed US $30 billion in 10 years, or an average rate of $3 billion a year, that cannot be accounted for, or paid back. The loans they got were the worst kind. For example, the 3 Eurobonds of US $1.2 billion, US $1 billion and $ 750 million, borrowed in 2011, 2012 and 2014 respectively, are structured such that on the first, Zambia has to pay $12 million a month, for 10 years, equalling $1.2 billion. All this money goes to interest only. In the 10th year, Zambia must cough up the…

  3. What has happened Mr Liswaniso, are you already disillusioned with the state of affairs? Your police is now very professional, so what is your problem? Or have you forgotten that your has not made public what is its stand on gayism?

  4. He was arrested for protesting the homosexuality introduced into Zambia recklessly when Chiluba permitted Lebanese to invade and infest our country. He was not protesting the IMF deal which Zambia was pushed into by the reckless borrowing of Edgar Lungu.

  5. The demonstrators against the vice are being arrested. Those promoting the sodomising of our sons are freely walking the streets. Zambia….nipano tuli.

  6. We were warned about the HOMOSEXUALS AND LESBIANIS. We did not listen. A flag for the Gays and Lesbians was flown at one of the embassies in Lusaka. When we tried to raise our voices…..we were told to shut up. Immediately after the elections in August we had Mr. Tony Blair….whose country strongly supports the rights of the LGBT. He promised to support us with money. After the elections we also flew to USA wanting to meet BIDEN. Biden is another strong supporter of the LGBT rights. His government promised to help us with money. We have been visited by high ranking officials from the countries that are in front supporting gays and Lesbians. They have said” they are very happy with us”. They have finaly given us the money through the IMF and they expect us to “act according”.

  7. …continued … (correction the total interest payments are $1.44 billion over 10 year for the 1st Eurobond) the US 1.2 billion principle of that 1st Eurobond needed be paid in full at maturity in 2021, as the monthly payments did not amortise the principle at all. Obviously Zambia could not pay that, and hence the default that occurred last year. At the same time, the 2nd Eurobond, in the amount of $1 billion, taken in 2012, requires Zambia to pay $10 million a month for 10 years, equalling $1.2 billion in total interest payments. This year, 2022, that 2nd Eurobond has matured and Zambia must cough up the entire $1 billion of the original principle that was borrowed, as the monthly payments did not amortise the principle at all. The 2nd Eurobond payments are on top of the 1st…

  8. …continued…. In $2014, Lungu tried to get another Eurobond, in the amount of $2 billion. However the lenders refused, knowing that Zambia had already swallowed more debt than it could repay. In stead, they agreed to a 3rd Eurobond of $750 million, the terms of which require Zambia to pay $7.5 million a month for 10 year in interest payments, equalling a total of $ 800 million. The Eurobond matures in 2024, at which time Zambia will be required to cough up the entire $750 principle in full, since the monthly payments do not armotise the principle. On the 3 Eurobonds alone, Zambia has been required to pay $12 million + $10million + $7.5 million= $29.5 million a month, in interest payments. And as bad as the Eurobonds are, they represent less than 10% of the total amount borrowed by PF…

  9. ..The reason why HH went to the IMF is not so much to get money, as to have IMF supervise the restructuring of the crippling Zambian debt. The lenders in the world have a mechanism by which if you default on one of them, the rest of them sanction you. This is designed to ensure that you pay all of them, not just some of them. The IMF is the referee in the arrangement. By reaching a deal with the IMF, Zambia is hoping that the IMF can persuade the lenders to take a haircut. In other words, Zambia is hoping that the IMF can convince the lenders to take a 56% discount on the debt Zambia holds. At the meeting held last week, the lenders were angry and resisting the proposal. They struck back by insisting that the terms of restructuring include the loans owed to local creditors. What they want…

  10. ..continued … what the lenders want is to emasculate Zambia. Once it is prostrate on the ground, they can then come pick the meat from the bones of our country. Basically they want all of our minerals free of charge. They will also demand the land and control of our rivers. They will also demand prospective control of any hydrocarbons we may have in the ground. The minerals would fortify them in their struggle against Asia and Russia. Our hydrocarbons would facilitate their energy strategy. What they want is to get all these things free of charge. Control of our land would ensure their food security, and that we are beholden to them as they control our food production. Essentially, what independence Kaunda wrested from the English has been given away 10 fold by Chipuba, Satan and Lungu…

  11. How can Homosexuality be an IMF condition?….Some Zambians are really silly and childish.
    The laws forbidding unnatural acts in the penal code have been in existence even before corrupt FTJ Chiluba declared Zambia the so called “Christian Nation”. The were last amended in 1933. Zambia became independent in 1964.
    Even the IMF know that the Zambian penal code is the same one that Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania and other former British colonies inherited from their colonial masters.
    The issue is a legacy of colonialism . No way, the IMF can place homosexuality as a condition.

    • Independent, please study the conditions carefully before you embarrass yourself, IMF will not directly say homosexuality but will say upholding all human rights of which “homosexuality” is classified as a human right. Don’t ever call FTJ Chiluba corrupt because no court found him guilty. He presided as President of Zambia during privatization but no single case of corruption was placed on him, Sorry MHSRP

    • @Independent: It’s a shame to see how Zambians are misinformed about the IMF Programs. Very sad that even the Educated, cause more harm and are so critical when President HH is only trying to restructure the Fo.olish debt that the former corrupt President useless Lungu has brought upon innocent Zambians. It is shameful indeed that Zambians waste time on wrong things and let go of the thieves.

    • Khumali Mthunzi ..The Paris Club and World Bank wrote off Zambia’s $6 billion debt during Mwanawasa’s reign.. Did Zambia introduce Homosexuality or whatever rights you want to call them….THE ANSWER IS NO.
      In fact it was Mwanawasa in 2006 , who added the clause which forbid the recognition of same sex marriages in Zambia. Was the debt cancellation reversed? NO.Unfortunately the PF later pushed us back into serious debt (now at $30 billion)
      This homosexuality hysteria is being driven by PF sympathizers who are embarrassed that the UPND clinched the IMF deal in less than 1 year.

  12. Silence can mean consent.
    Why is the government dragging feet to state their position? Why are they dead silent on it? Is Liswaniso frank or just saving face? We will soon find out.

  13. @Khumali Mthunzi ..The Paris Club and World Bank wrote off Zambia’s $6 billion debt during Mwanawasa’s reign.. Did Zambia introduce Homosexuality or whatever rights you want to call them….THE ANSWER IS NO.
    In fact it was Mwanawasa in 2006 , who added the clause which forbid the recognition of same sex marriages in Zambia. Was the debt cancellation reversed? NO.Unfortunately the PF later pushed us back into serious debt (now at $30 billion)
    This homosexuality hysteria is being driven by PF sympathizers who are embarrassed that the UPND clinched the IMF deal in less than 1 year.

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