Saturday, July 27, 2024

BRE calls for venturing in agriculture and livestock


The Barotseland Royal Establishment ( BRE ) has advised people in the region to venture into farming and livestock keeping.

Induna Ingangwana says people in the region must emulate the Litunga who has produced over 2, 000 by 50 kilogram bags of rice this year and also keeping exotic improved breeds of cattle.

Induna Ingangwana said this at Saa Kuta in Lealui before the Ngambela (Prime Minister) Manyando Mukela gave a report on how the Litunga travelled during his eight days tour of Kalabo and Sikongo Towns that was undertaken from 10th September, 2022 to 18th September, 2022.

He said the BRE was not for the idea of promoting laziness in Western Province adding that people should not just come up with unviable projects in the province with hope to be supported and financed either by or through the provincial administration.

Meanwhile, BRE Induna Ingangwana says people should avoid playing very loud music in their business places or homes in royal establishments and undesignated areas as this was causing disturbances to their neighbourhood.

Induna Ingangwana says loud music was unacceptable in undesignated areas adding that people of Barotseland are known for their respect hence the need to uphold the Lozi tradition.


  1. People need many things to get started: land, financing Etc. The Litunga has it easy because he is a millionaire.

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