Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sexual Encounter at Cemetery Leaves Young Woman Mentally Unstable: Investigations Underway


A young woman of Masaiti District on the Copperbelt Province has reportedly gone mad after having sex with a man at a graveyard in Chief Chiwala’s area.

18-year old Linda Phiri has not been her self after the incident, according to a police report.

The case has been formally reported to nearby Mapalo Police Post in Ndola’s Chipulukusu area.

Police have since detained a 25-year old man of Masaiti who had sex with the now mental health patient at the graveyard.

Copperbelt Province Police Commanding Officer Peacewell Mweemba has confirmed that the suspect Golden Choma Jere of Masaiti is being held by police for the charge of Conduct likely to cause the bleach of peace.

Mother to the victim officially lodged the complaint to the police.

Mr. Mweemba said villagers are suspecting Jere of practicing satanism and they believe he is behind the young woman’s mental illness.

He said citizens in the village pounced on the suspect and attempted to beat him up.

“Be informed that Mapalo Police Post m has detained male Golden Choma Jere, aged-25years, of Village-Katanga, Chief Chiwala, District-Masaiti for the holding charge of Conduct likely to cause the bleach of peace. This occurred on 23/05/23 around 20:00 hours within Jereman village near the grave yard, the complainant being female Bulaya Susan, of chief Chiwala area, Masaiti, who reported that her daughter Linda Phiri, aged-18 years, had canal knowledge with a man she only knew as Masauso, in the grave yard within chief Chiwala’s area and afterwards she became Mentally sick,” Mr. Mweemba disclosed.

The suspect is helping police with information as they investigate the matter thoroughly.

“Brief facts of the matter are that the victim went with the suspect and had sexual intercourse in the grave yard within Chiwala area and afterwards she went back home and the man also of the same area went to his place. Upon reaching home the young girl developed the sickness and become mentally disturbed. She was rushed to the hospital where they treated her but she is still mentally sick. This made the local villagers to pounce of the man and attempted to beat him up,” he said.

Mr. Mweemba continued:”They are suspecting him of practicing satanism and they believe he is the reason as to why the girl is in such a condition. The suspect was only rescued by some other people who rushed him to Mapalo police post where he is currently detained in police custody so as to assist the police with investigations. More to follow.”


  1. Desperate upnd cadres attempting to do magic in the hope that it will salvage their dwindling support and failures. Disgusting party

  2. LOL, why do we abuse our police? Two adults decide to have sex in a cemetary, one becomes mad and the police rush in to arrest the other and charge for conduct likely to ‘bleach’ the peace?
    Superstition will kill us in Zambia.

    • Just wondering. I reported a break in last year and up to now no policeman has visited the scene of crime.

    • Imwe baDeja Vu, go to the police station. Tell those sleepy corrupt officers that you suspect one of the burglars was Edgar Lungu’s sister’s brother’s cousin. And you will see how active they will become!

  3. I hope Police do a good job, look at how Police awashed social media of pictures of a guy who died in some lodge in Lusaka recently, pictures which were only with Police themselves. When the Family approached Chilanga Police over the same, we hear the Police there were quick to point to their command where they send pictures. Who does that surely

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