Saturday, July 27, 2024

Investigate cases before making arrests-President Hichilema advises


President Hakainde Hichilema has directed investigative wings in the country to ensure that no arrests are made before investigations are conducted.

President Hichilema wondered why investigative wings have continued arresting people without first investigating cases saying this not the first time he has advised over the matter.The Head of State said investigative wings should also ensure that people are prosecuted within a short period of time.

The President said this today during the swearing-in ceremony of Monica Mwansa as Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Deputy Director General and Njavwa Simutowe as Luapula Province Minister.

Mr Hichilema said investigative wings should ensure that justice for the people is achieved.

“Madam Mwansa as you take up the new position am calling upon you to ensure that Justice for the people is achieved. I do not know why investigative wings have continued arresting people before investigations are conducted. And I have made this call many times. So please I want to see change as you take up the new position,” he said.

Meanwhile, President Hichilema has also called on the newly sworn-in Luapula Province Minister Njavwa Simutowe to promote legal mining in the province.

Mr Hichilema said illegal mining has robbed the country of so many resources hence the new minister should ensure that sanity is restored in the province.

He stated that there has been a lot of illegal mining in Luapula stating that government will ensure those found wanting are prosecuted.

“There has been a number of illegal mining there. But as you take up this new position ensure that illegal mining comes to an end. This government will continue prosecuting those found wanting in illegal mining. This will be regardless of who you are, whether friends or not. You know what I am talking about,” he said.

Speaking after being sworn-in, ACC Deputy Director General, Monica Mwansa assured that she will do everything possible and ensure that the presidential directive is attained.

And newly sworn-in Luapula Province Minister, Njavwa Simutowe said he will ensure that illegal mining in the province is put to an end.


    • Under pressure what?
      Investigations must be conducted throughly before any arrest can be done.
      That evidence adduced will be used in court.. Look at Lusambo, he was arrested … the man is loaming in the streets freely.. where is the conviction?

  1. Investigations are done by departments within the GRZ structure
    Not by HH as some assume
    He he is obviously aware and concerned by the nonsense going on

  2. This chap is a coward. He never faces up to anything head on. Aways using proxies to fight his cases and making everyone else but him look bad. This is the same chap who is still blaming others for prison conditions 2 years after being in charge. 2H, the people of Zambia have had enough of your blame games. We want to see substance not rhetor1c. We Africans are tired of these so called mind games you call politics.

    • So your dull self wants the president to go out arresting people to prove that he can face these things head on? How dumb are you?

    • It is such rubbish that is causing Zambians not to adapt quickly imwe ba FutureZed.
      Investigations need to be done first olo in bemba ba kapokola bafwile ba fwailisha umulandu pakubala.
      Don’t get so worked out because ba mayo was arrested. The husband allowed the rot when he was the Head! So use your head effectively twapapata!

    • Who is their commander in chief vizende imwe? Why is he not firing them for incompetence then? He fired the previous IG for doing the same to him so why can’t he do the same if he means well?

  3. Investigate cases before making arrests.
    Is our police so amateurish that it is being advised about the basics by those of us who were born long after it was established in Northern Rhodesia? Yes

  4. I thought he was going to announce the reduced mealie meal prices , I am just surprised that he can’t even say word about this pressing issue.
    Does this president live in Zambia he heard how Zambians are crying about the high cost of living and promised a reduction , and now he is doing something else did Zambians vote for right person to preside over their affairs what a shame!

    • You don’t know the work of the president.
      Go live abroad for 5yrs and have a look at African countries.. Zambia is better off. Right up now the cost of living in Kenya, Egypt, Mozambique, Malawi is no better than in Zambia.

  5. How many people has HH called thieves before any investigations, arrests and conviction have been made. If the president calls someone a thief, it is as good as instructing the police to go and arrest that the person. Let me just be straight here, HH should know that Zambians know who gives orders to these wings to make arrests. All these political arrests happening are instructed by HH. Now he has seen that for a court to convict someone, there should be evidence. Explain Mumbi Phiri’s case to the Nation. Do not play catch and release the citizens

  6. Chipante pante Government….now he has finally realized that his intimidation tricks won’t work…you have been arresting people for the past 2 years still not even one conviction just wasting tax payers money….you spent US$500000 to arrest Easter Lungu and within few hours she was out….thats US$ 500000 tax payers money wasted because the arrest was Political no wonder Police don’t even know what charges to them….Sean Tembo..Tayali…Mmembe…Kambwili…Nawakwi…If HH wants to govern in peace he shouldn’t mess with Munangangwa the “crocodile’s” friend

  7. HH you have failed as a leader…you are very bitter and vindictive….ZAMBIANS MADE A VERY BIG MISTAKE VOTING YOU INTO OFFICE….EASTER LUNGU SHOULD BE PAID k6.2 million for false arrest

  8. So now are we going to have presidential directives for people to do their work properly? Should we assume incompetence has now levelled off and is endemic?

  9. The shift in the tactics that the Police are employing reflect the UPND policy. Emmanuel Mwamba and Sean Tembo were abducted in similar manner. Mumbi Phiri was charged with murder after your sentiments. The IG seemed to have overruled the Minister on the PF rally and soon you were in the same location with your own. You publicly announced that you were changing tactics and immediately Esther Lungu was summoned and arrested. It’s easy to read you. So expression of dismay that the Police have continued to detain people before investigations is nonsensical. Your Attorney General last week said it’s lawful for the Police to detain people longer than 48hrs while they investigate. So what are you talking about?

  10. Be serious ba Mudala ba HH, how many times will you advise law enforcement agencies to investigate before they make arrests? This keeps happening time and again and if you were serious, you would fire some people and publicly explain why you have fire them.
    I have removed this IG because people continue to be arrested without investigations and I have fired this minister because of his involvement in sugilete scandal etc. Show your commitment.

    • He thinks he is still in opposition that’s why he keeps playing the blame game.I don’t think it will end well with this chap. Talks too much no substance.

  11. Some people …..kaya chabe!
    It appears whatever HH doesn’t, one will always find something to criticize. Lack of objectivity has become a disease.
    You are the same people who accuse HH of doing nothing when investigative wings make unwarranted arrests that you claim he orchestrated. When he directs the investigators, you find other reasons. Mwe bantu kanshi, what exactly are you asking for? Also, he is human, and he is expressing dissatisfaction. He will be accused of intervening if he does more. GET your sh!t in order before you criticize.

    • …because he is doing strange things which normal people are not used to. Too much Boza, kubeja, bufi, makudi, wenye.

  12. Hi minions don’t know what do with the so called “suspects” because its the Supreme leader Ayatollah Hakainde Hichilema giving orders to arrest…normally Zambia Police don’t have any resources to fight crime but how come they can afford to send armored car to make a simple arrest…you can tell all the money comes from State House because Police officers don’t even have money for fuel to rush to a murder scene or robbery in progress

  13. It is quiet clear from some comments that ka free education is heavily needed!
    Firstly HH7 is not a policeman hence the timely advise to investigative wings. Let us move away from the culture of blame and take responsibility.
    When we pointed out wrongs in previous governance of this beautiful country of ours, some people blindly defended the stupidity. Now we’ve come full circle again you cry. Please use you medulla oblangata effectively.
    Let police be professional and investigate before arrests so that each one of us has a fair chance with the law. I rest my case!

    • Iwe tefyo tulelanda. It has nothing to do with not being educated. It’s either you are turning a blind eye or you don’t know what is going on. Like someone has explained, the police “won’t have transport” if you call them but will have extra transport for simple arrests. In short the police know the law but they have to get permission to apply it.

  14. A president who is not aware of what’s going on with his law enforcement officers for his value targets is either a mupp3t or a pupp3t. which one is it, you choose.

  15. Just look at the Gold Scam/Espionage case… it’s been going cold silently just because three of those involved are specially connected. What happened to the YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN? Just a public stunt.

  16. @DeJa Vu
    I told you guys that the Gold smuggling case was State House inside Job…Kabuswe and the DEC were sweating because they knew that the Supreme leader Ayatollah Hakainde Hichilema had been caught stealing


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