Friday, March 7, 2025

Kasenengwa Parents Urged To Enlighten Their Children On Sexuality


Parents and guardians in Kasenengwa district of Eastern Province have been encouraged to enlighten young people on issues of sexuality.

Chisomo Community Programme Executive Director, Annie Chiseni,explained that the move will help in ensuring adolescents have the right information on sexual reproductive health among others.

Ms Chiseni observed that most young people have the wrong perception on issues of sexuality which they usually obtain from wrong sources.

“Our children no longer live like during our times, they have more information than us. So if we don’t sit down to discuss such matters with them as parents, they will end up getting the wrong information from outside”, she said.

She emphasised the need for parents and guardians to be open enough to the adolescents in order to protect them from selfish individuals who may feed them with wrong information.

Ms Chiseni added that the development will also help children to develop a right sense of judgment on different information provided to them.

“Let parents talk to their children on issues of sexuality so that when they go outside and they are fed with wrong information, they will not take it as gospel truth”, she said.

She further called on stakeholders to take a leading role in sensitising young people on sexual reproductive health to prevent them from engaging in sexual activities at a tender age.


    • They will go to the internet and find homosexuality, transgenders and the likes. They will come home and ask parents who know nothing about such practices because they arent done publicly in Zambia. Because such things are banned in Zambia the parents will not talk about them. The children will set out to find out on their own and will end up experimenting. Perhaps we should just leave the subject?

  1. Very important message and timely, we need more content and open but carefully packaged content because social media and internet will school our children. Unlike in the old days when schools and teachers plus religious foundation grounded the young people. Internet has taken over except for most Islamic families and communities. Here is where i find the power of interfaith collaboration in delivering effective and transformative knowledge that must create a generation of accountable and disciplined citizens

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