Saturday, June 1, 2024

Germany satisfied with Zambia’s progress towards the MDG


File:Women crowding over a bore-hole to draw water

Germany Government has expressed satisfaction on Zambia’s progress towards the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the water development and tourism sector by 2015.

Germany Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development, Dirk Niebel said his Government looks forward to enhance its bilateral relationship with the Zambian Government to foster development in the country.

Mr.Niebel, who visited some of the water development and wildlife conservation projects that are funded by Germany disclosed this in Livingstone over the weekend before departure back home.

Currently Germany has helped to finance the Water Kiosk in Ngwenya Compound at the cost of 80 Euros (K42Million).

Mr.Niebel has officially commissioned the Ngwenya Water kiosk, which is in operation and is servicing 200 households within the compound.

Germany’s grant to the water sector so far amounts to 30million Euros(K180million).

Through the Germany Development Cooperation (GDC), the Deutsch Government aided the construction of a new water treatment plant at Southern Water And Sewerage Company (SWASCO) Southern Regional Office in Livingstone and aided the baseline finance of the Kasavango-Zambezi Trans frontier Conservation Area (KAZA-TFCA) project site.

The KAZA-TFCA project is an initiative aimed at reducing barriers on the movement of tourists across the borders and removing the animal boundary in wildlife conservation areas among the five member countries (Zambia, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana) commonly those lying between the Kavango and Zambezi rivers.

Shortly after the tour, Minister Niebel, who was accompanied by 40 delegates consisting of Parliamentarians and Business people said his team is happy with the progress done on the projects and said the country has shown positive strides in the MDGs on water.

He said Zambia is a growing giant that has gained recognition from super powers because of its notably growing economy.

And SWASCO Board Chairperson, Solomon Muzyamba said Germany has helped the water utility company to improve its performance.

He said SWASCO was in a state of dilapidation before the Germany Government decided to salvage the situation.

Mr.Muzyamba said recently National Water and Sanitation Council (NWASCO) ranked SWASCO best performing water utility company for 2010.

He thanked the Government of Germany for its continued cooperation to the sector.

Zambia requires about 90million Euros (K4.5Bn) to be pumped into the water sector annually in order to attain the MDGs on water in which 80
per cent of people are targeted to have access to clean water.


  1. Currency conversion is just pathetic ba LT. Since when did 90m euros equal K4.5 billion, 30m euros K180m, and 80 euros K42m? Simple mathematics has become greek for LT. AWE mwachita over.

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