Sunday, June 16, 2024

General News

Three years’ infrastructure development is what is campaigning for PF – Scott

Acting president Guy Scott has reaffirmed his confidence in the ruling PF’s great chances to win the 2015 presidential election. Dr. Scott has placed his...

PF’s reconciliation has no bearing on UPND’s momentum – Mwaanga

Veteran politician Vernon Mwaanga has observed that despite the ruling party’s reconciliation, the UPND has maintained the same momentum they started with when they...

Zambian woman drowns at a beach in Australia on Boxing day

A Zambian woman drowned at a beach in Perth, Western Australia on Friday 26th December.Cathy Bwalya Chikwanda was pulled unconscious from the water at...

There is No Constitution Bill, Stop rumour mongering-Government

CHIEF Government spokesperson Joseph Katema says he is not aware of any draft bill to enact a new constitution as alleged by the grand...

Dan Pule goes Door to Door

CHRISTIAN Democratic Party (CDP) president Danny Pule has promised to provide transparent leadership if elected into office in the January 20, 2015 presidential election. Dr...

Student’s body condemns MMD MPs for abandoning Nevers Mumba

The Zambia National Students Union has strongly condemned MMD MPs led by party Chairman Kabinga Pande for abandoning the party’s official presidential candidate Dr...

UPND denies the existence of a song “Mu Bemba ngu satani”

  UPND Spokesperson and Choma MP Cornelius Mweetwa has categorically denied the existence of a song called ‘Mu Bemba ngu satani (a Bemba is a...

PF Releases Edgar Lungu’s Campaign Program

PF President Edgar Lungu returns to Northern Province on Saturday 27th December 2014 to continue with his marathon presidential campaign. On Saturday he will hold...