Saturday, June 1, 2024

Rural News

K 50, 000 raised for this year’s Lunda traditional ceremony

The Lunda Cultural Association of Zambia (LUCAZ) says it has raised over K50,000 towards this year's Lunda traditional ceremony of the Lunda...

Ambulance Driver with his accomplice nabbed for theft of mosquito nets in Kalumbila district

An ambulance driver at Meheba D clinic in Meheba refugee camp in Kalumbila district of North-western province and a Congolese national of the same...

Toddler run over by loaded truck in Shiwangàndu District 

A  one YEAR and nine  months old baby has died on the spot after he was run over by a truck loaded with copper...

Declaration of new Districts does not change chiefdom boundaries -Chilangwa

  Government has clarified that declaration of new Districts by the State does not change Chiefdom boundaries which were put in place in 1958. Luapula Province...

Kamoto backs calls to shift North Western provincial capital to Mufumbwe

Mufumbwe Member of Parliament Eliot Kamondo has urged the electorate to back calls to shift the provincial ncial capital from Solwezi to Mufumbwe...

Stop training children into witchcraft, Chewa chief warns his subjects

CHIEF Pembamoyo of the Chewa speaking people of Vubwi district  in Eastern provonce has cautioned his subjects against stopping their children from attending school...

Juvenile detained for allegedly defiling a minor in Isoka district

A 16 year old juvenile of  of chief Kafwimbi in isoka  district in Northern Province has been detained after he allegedly defiled a 3...

Chitimukulu implores fellow traditional leaders to promote peace for national development

PARAMOUNT Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba speaking people in Northern Province has implored fellow traditional leaders to promote peace for national development. He said traditional...