Sunday, June 16, 2024

General News

President Lungu to announce full Cabinet tomorrow

President Edgar Lungu is tomorrow expected to announce his full Cabinet at a Press Conference slated for State House in Lusaka. And President Lungu...

Ministry of Education says it is acceptable for schools to withhold certificates

Ministry of Education Permanent Secretary Chishimba Nkosha says it is acceptable for various schools and institutions of high learning to withhold school certificates ...

To Smack or Not to Smack? ZCEA opposes Pope Francis’ smacking remark

Pope Francis last week caused global controversy when he said that it is fine for parents to spank children, so long as they do...

Repent and Stop causing disunity in the party Nakachinda tells Rupiah

MMD spokesperson Raphael Nakachinda says former president Rupiah Banda should repent and stop causing dis unite in the former ruling party. Nakachinda said the MMD...

ZCTU demands deportation of Intercontinental hotel Manager

The Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has called on government to immediately deport Intercontinental Hotel Assistant General Manager Michael Naber for abusing workers’...

Abandoned, abused girl: Where are the NGOs?

Dear Editor, I am saddened to learn that a girl who was defiled by her father while she was bed-ridden in the University Teaching Hospital...

Inmates sleep in shifts at Isoka State Prison

The prisons service department in Isoka district of Muchinga province has run out of bed space due to overcrowding forcing inmates to sleep in...

Drunk Zambian diplomat, Langford Banda injures two police officers in New York

A sloshed Zambian government official who “reeked of alcohol” and could barely talk slammed his car into a parked NYPD van in Queens on...