Wednesday, June 12, 2024

General News

It’s a Dora Vs Fergie. Twar erupts between Chief Government Spokesman and UK envoy

A war of words has erupted on Twitter between Information Minister Dora Siliya and British High Commissioner Fergus Cochrane-Dyet with Ms. Siliya accusing the...

Government committed to housing empowerment initiatives

Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure, Charles Mushota says government is committed to ensuring that the country has a revised National Housing...

Teaching Service Commission alarmed with teacher transfers

The Teaching Service Commission says it is very much alarmed with the increased number of teachers leaving rural districts on unregulated transfers. Teaching...

Zambia performing well in environmental protection- Molapetsi

Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Permanent Secretary (PS) Edward Chomba says government is making significant progress in the sound management of chemicals. Dr. Chomba...

Judiciary signs MoU with USA for case management

The Judiciary has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Centre for State Courts of the United States of America (USA) which...

Police officer shoots himself dead

A Police Officer of Sikanze camp in Lusaka has committed suicide by shooting himself through the mouth using an AK 47 riffle. This is contained...

Government commended for recognition of UN refugee day

The Human Rights Commission has commended government, co-operating and development partners for successively hosting United Nations Refugee Day today. The Human Rights Commission...

Ngabwe fishermen warned against use of wrong fishing equipment

Central Province Minister, Sydney Mushanga, has warned Fishermen in Ngabwe district against the use of illegal Fishing gear. Mr Mushanga said the use of illegal...