Monday, June 17, 2024

General News

VEEP calls for transparency in relief maize distribution

Vice President Inonge Wina has called for transparency in the distribution of relief maize. The Vice President has also warned that segregation should not be...

Voting in Masaiti by-election characterised by heavy rain

Voting in the Masaiti Parliamentary by-election in the early hours of the day experienced heavy rains. A check by ZANIS at some polling stations in...

74 percent of Zambians prefer democracy-Afrobaromenter survey

A recent Afrobaromenter survey has revealed that a majority of Zambians, about 74 percent say they prefer democracy to any other kind of government. Results...

Train runs over man in Lusaka

A train in Lusaka has run over a man between Ngwerere and Kabanana townships.The unidentified man believed to be between the ages of 30...

Over 50 people injured in Chibombo in a Bus Accident

FIFTY people have sustained injuries after the Power Tools bus Registration number APX 7615 they were on over turned along the Great North Road...

Grand Coalition says New People-Driven Constitution a Must Before 2016 General Elections

The Grand Coalition on the Campaign for a People-Driven Constitution has called on the PF Government to facilitate the enactment of a people driven...

HH Calls on President Edgar Lungu to appoint ECZ Chairperson

OFFICIAL STATEMENT 14 APRIL 2015 We call on President Edgar Lungu to urgently prioritise the nomination of substantive Chairperson at the Electoral Commission of Zambia to...

Water shortage looms in Zambia

The Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) has warned that Zambia will be forced to ration water because of the poor rainfall pattern experienced...