Monday, June 17, 2024

General News

ECZ won’t conduct voter registration for presidential by-election

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has disclosed that it will not carry out a voter registration exercise for the forthcoming presidential by-election due...

British government willing to fund presidential by-election

The British government has reiterated its willingness to fund the country's forth coming presidential elections. Speaking to Journalists in Lusaka today British High Commissioner to...

Alliances Don’t Work in Zambia, says Edith Nawakwi

Opposition Forum for Democracy and Development President Edith Nawakwi has called for fair media coverage for all contestants in the run up to the...

Parliament eulogises the late Republican President Michael Sata in first session after his death

PARLIAMENT yesterday eulogised the late republican President Michael Sata as a gallant man who persevered and dedicated his life for the benefit of the...

PF Chinsali endorse Lungu for presidency

The Patriotic Front (PF) in Chinsali District of Muchinga Province has endorsed Edgar Lungu as PF candidate in the fourth coming presidential by-election. The...

SACCORD hails Guy Scott for assuring the nation of smooth transition

The Southern African Centre for Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD), has praised acting President Guy Scott for assuring the nation that they will get...

Kalulushi Street vendors ask to remain on streets in honour of President Sata

Several marketeers in Kalulushi have called on government to uphold the late President Michael Sata’s empowerment programmes for traders the country. The marketeers told ZANIS...

Msoni expresses disappointment with “power hungry individuals” in the alliance

Opposition All Peoples Congress Party (APC) president Nason Msoni has expressed disappointment at some alliance partners whom he termed "power hungry individuals." Speaking in an...